Irish Water to contact people over unpaid bills

Irish Water spokesperson Elizabeth Arnett has confirmed that the company will soon be contacting people who have not paid their bills, describing it as a process that every utility company enters into.
Ms Arnett said people would be phoned or sent a text message or letter to remind them that they have still not paid.
She said: "This is a process that every normal utility company enters into when there are outstanding bills.
"So as part of this bill cycle, when two bills have been issued and 21 days have elapsed without any type of payment being made we will be contacting customers to remind them that the bill is outstanding, to remind them of all of the payment options that we have, to offer them a payment plan ... and to see if they want to pay the bill there and then."
Ms Arnett said the real reason for contacting people was that large bills were not racked up.
She said even if people have not registered with Irish Water they may still get a letter.
Ms Arnett said if Irish Water has contact details for people it will be calling them.
Additional charges will be added after four bills have been issued and not been paid.
She denied that the phone calls would be about repercussions or consequences for not paying, saying the calls were about reminding people.
Ms Arnett said it was too early to say if there has been an increase on the figure of 46% given in July of people who have paid their bills.
She said: "It is actually far too early to tell. The cycle has to run through, the bills have to land, people have to be given the opportunity to pay bill, the reminders have to go out and there's a period of time after that."
Ms Arnett was unable to say when Irish Water would give updated figures for those who had paid their bills.